EP1 receiver is the hottest Tiny ExpressLRS receiver since it was released. Now the new TCXO version EP series receiver apply “temperature compensated crystal oscillator”, accurate frequency and excellent performance in extreme temperature environments make these TCXO much reliable.
EP1 Dual TCXO Receiver
Type: ISM2.4GHz
ESP32 PICO D4, dual SX1280(SX1281)
Antenna connector: IPEX MHF 1/U.FL
RF Frequency: 2.4GHz (2400~2480MHz)
Telemetry power: >19dbm
Receiver protocol: CRSF
Input voltage: 3.5~5V Recommend +5V DC @ “+” pad
PCB size: 19mm x 14mm
Weight: 1gram exclude antenna
Built-in a TCXO (temperature compensated crystal oscillator)
Default Firmware out of factory: Unified_ESP32_2400_RX Could upgrade to HappyModel EP1 Dual 2400 RX 3.0 FW